Thursday, January 26, 2006


One person to study with. Must want to study in big chunks of time rather than small intervals. Must also enjoy going to the library. Must have learned to have the exact same study style as me or similar and compatable. Must be available immediately.

If I don't start studying more I fear I will hit this wall of things that need to be done. Right now I'm not swamped, but I will be.....soon. The problem is that I like to study with people. I'm a socially driven person I think. Even if I don't really talk to the other person all that much, it's good to just have them go with me. Then I can't leave when I want to give up because I'm with them. I like to study in the evening. Preferrably after dinner. I also like to study somewhere other than my home. Preferrably the library. That combination doesn't really work here because I feel really vulnerable walking home alone in the dark. I just feel as though there are a lot more opportunities for me to get raped/abducted/killed around here. Especially when I have to walk under this big evergreen that drapes over the sidewalk. In the day its a natural arbor. At night it transformed into rape central. I had better figure this out soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanted: One hot red-head to study with.