Thursday, June 19, 2008


This fixing up a house stuff is pretty difficult. So is food poisoning. So is my 15 month old girl. On the plus side I've really learned a whole lot, almost none of which actually has anything to do with fixing up a house. If you want to fix up a house I recommend surrounding yourself with supportive family and friends! It was so great to have Dan's parents and then my parents in town and then when they left all our friends have so very graciously offered to help out. They just showed up! There's nothing like being in a hard spot to make you realize how much help is out there. And also that "out there" isn't as far as you'd think. The medical school student community is composed of such a wonderful and supportive group of people. I'm ever so grateful to be a part of it. I also sincerely hope that I will be able to touch some of them and lift them up as much as they have done for me. They are so SO generous! It's so funny because none of us have a whole lot. We're all strapped for money, time, energy, and resources, but everywhere I turn I seem to be the recipient of so many gifts given to me freely. Everything from manpower and babysitting to some friends offering to let us live in their home while they're gone. We have to be out of our apartment on the 1st and we probably wont be ready to pass the occupancy permit inspection until the second week of July. Our friends are going to be out of town for five weeks starting this Saturday so they just offered. What a stress reliever.

Also, I've learned that it's important to communicate with Daniel clearly and unemotionally. A lot of our disagreements aren't actually disagreements after we talk about them. I've found that if I just tell Dan what would make me happy he works to do it (even if he does think it's silly) and I know that I try my best to do that for him as well. I have a great husband. We're both learning how to navigate things so much more right now.

Learning means we make mistakes. I've found it's important to be kind to myself and to my husband when either of us makes mistakes. They happen. The important part is to figure out what to do from there.

Finally I've learned that it's stinking exhausting to take care of our baby and our apartment in the midst of all this. It's so easy to just give in to every whim she has right now so that I can get back to getting the house done. I know that wont help me long term and it usually doesn't even help me in the short term either. Specific issues I'm working on: mommy gets to shower alone, no you can't have chocolate cookies for breakfast, naps can be taken in other places than your crib.

Here's the update as to what's happened. We got the plumbing in the bathroom fixed (again) and the sub floor down (again), the porch is stripped (thanks Piersons and Gilkeys), the spindles on part of the banister are in the process of being stripped (thanks Gilkeys). Dan is hopefully getting the counter top on and the dishwasher in tonight. That is if his drill battery will work long enough for him to actually cut the support pieces.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your friends have a place you can stay if the house isn't ready on the 1st. I've been worried about the timetable & how I don't have to be.

Spaceman Spiff said...

And now you have an island, and a countertop!

Mindy said...

And it looks so stinkin' fantastic!!!

Maggie said...

Mindy-Did you really post a comment at 4:52 AM, or is my time thing off?

George-I can't wait to see it!

Katharina said...

Sounds like your house projects have grown claws and fangs as they pile up with all your other stressors. I hope things look up for you as you get back on your feet from feeling icky!

Are you taking lots of "before" pictures of the process? I promise they are so much fun to look back on! I just found out I have to move next spring--away from our first house & all its memories, projects, & fixer-upper-ness (AFTER I've finished most of the fixing). Funny how an inanimate place grows into a home & comes to have your heart buried in every paintstroke, every layer, every room. I hope your home comes together soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a great house. What I really miss is Home Depot and Lowes every day ALL day.

How bout a 4th of July BBO with the new grill?