Saturday, July 05, 2008

Because We Really Do Have Fun

Too bad we couldn't catch a smile on her. We were so relaxed we almost took a nap there.
Charlotte's crawling through the hole to see daddy. What you don't see on this photo is that the statue she's in is a cat. I accidently cut the head off. Oh well.
Daddy's helping Charlotte to climb up the lion.
Here's Daniel trying to teach Charlotte climbing at an early age. The caption here would be a quote from him, "You need to use your legs more Bear."
The pool at the 4th of July party we went to. All the kids in this photo were so cold they were shaking, but would not leave the pool.
The people's house we are house sitting have a swing set in the backyard. Daddy and Charlotte swing a lot in the evenings. Now she can climb up the ladder and slide down the slide by herself too! Maybe we'll have to do what our friends did-look on craigslist until we find a free swing set.

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