Friday, July 18, 2008

In case that wasn't enough

Dan and I have fallen into a wonderful summer schedule while at our friend's house. We take turns sleeping in and getting up with Charlotte. So whenever she gets up (which is between 6:18 and 6:21 AM right now) one of us gets up with her, gives her breakfast, and then plays until the other person comes out of the bedroom. The other person sleeps in and then showers and gets dressed before showing themselves to the baby. This is because she knows that once both of us are up she will then take a bath. Usually I eat breakfast before giving her a bath.

Yesterday when getting dressed I realized that I only had one pair of pants here on "vacation" left clean. So I got dressed in those and went out to get breakfast. When Daniel and Charlotte saw me Dan went to go shower himself and Charlotte immediately started taking off her clothing. She even got the diaper off, which is pretty good for her. I thought it was funny and figured I'd bathe her after breakfast so I didn't mess with it. She climbed on my lap to eat breakfast with me. Once she was up there she peed my pants.

So we spent the morning doing laundry.


Anonymous said...

As you have discovered this week, there are unexpected hazards related to inquisitve, inventive children and motherhood. It's best to learn to find the humor in them. That approach made Erma Bombek a wealthy woman and helped me keep my sanity.

Mary Jo said...

Mike and I do the same thing as far as taking turns getting up with Jack. It works out pretty well.

Maggie said...

I'm going to be sad when school starts again and I have to get up everyday with her. Dan gets up around 5 and leaves around 6 during school so he'll be up and gone by the time she's getting up now.