Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Yesterday I read a comment on my sister's blog about how someone always comes to read her blog because she's so upbeat and has so much gusto with her life. I try to stay upbeat here, mostly because who wants to read someone else complain? Today though I'm worn out. Charlotte's trying to sleep in another baby's crib (which means she's getting an average of about 2 hours less a day). We're trying to move. We're trying to get our house ready. We're living in limbo and I'm ready to stop being a nomad. And then yesterday Charlotte fell down the porch steps. I didn't see it, I just heard it. And this is where they take my baby away because I'm not a good mom. I had even thought, I shouldn't leave Charlotte alone on the porch. But my arms were full of empty boxes to load in the car and I wanted to be quick. What a hard day, evening, and night we had!

So this morning I got up a little after 6 (which is an hour earlier than Charlotte usually wakes up) and moped around getting her ready for the day. Then I realized that if I stayed in that mood I was going to have an awful day. So I decided to get going and be happy about it. It helped. I'm still tired and I still have to clean the apartment, but I know I can get it done. Then I will never have to deal with our apartment ever again!

When I pulled up to our new house there were two people knocking on the door. They were Jehovah's Witnesses. Although I'm very happy with my faith I'm always polite to anyone coming to the door sharing their religion. Usually they just give me the magazine, I say thank you and then they leave. Today they shared with me a scripture in Isaiah and to see their devotion and listen to the message just really brightened my day.

So I guess the point is that I have a choice and I choose to be happy. The lady today saw that we're working on the house and just wished us the best and that we have fun while we're working. Why does it sometimes take the words of a stranger to remind you of things you should already know? Work is hard, but it's fun too. I can take pride in what I'm doing and should try to teach my daughter the same.

And now I'm going to take a nap.


TRS said...

You are right. Sometimes you have to choose your mood.

And I imagine that is particularly important when you have a child... when your mood really affects another person.

Good for you for identifying it - and doing it.

and don't worry about always posting cheerful stuff. People come to other's blogs to commiserate as much as to be entertained.

Just wait til Katie has kids. (or if Roscoe violates the leather sofa!!)

Maggie said...

Ooh! I hope Roscoe never violates that sofa. It's too beautiful!

Katie said...

Seriously, if he breathes wrong on that thing he's going to be sorry.

Kids fall, she'll be fine. She needs some toughing up (wink)

Anonymous said...

How is Cahrlotte?
How are you?
How was the nap?
This is one of those learning experiences for both of you; it will be OK.
Hope there are some fun things to do on the 4th there & that you have some time to do them.