Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not Again

Today I locked myself out, again. This time I knew Dan had a key, but I didn't have a cell phone or car keys so I walked about 8 blocks to a friend's house. Then I waited for two hours until Dan got off work/research duty. So my morning was pretty much shot. On the way home from my friend's Charlotte fell asleep. Which means I only got to work at our house for about an hour before starting dinner.

When making dinner I put my ham in to cook at 325* for 2 hours. After the first hour of cooking something smelled funny. I went to the kitchen to find that my daughter had turned the nob on the oven to 500. Yep, I cooked our ham at 500* for an hour. I took it out and while I was cutting off the burnt part my daughter decided to throw the cat food all over the kitchen, put it in the water bowl, and eat some. While I was cleaning up the cat food my daughter decided it was a good time to figure out how to climb on top of the kitchen table, take out all my pens and color all over herself. After her legs were colored she decided to throw the pens off the table, which is what caught my attention.

Confession: I didn't prepare any vegetables for dinner tonight. Dan got home and I told him we would be having burnt ham and bread for dinner. He was the one that heated the corn in the microwave. While Charlotte was throwing the corn off her high chair I ran away from home. Well, not really. Tonight was my last night at the wood working class and it was time to go. To be honest though, it felt really good to run away from the problem.

Tomorrow will be a better day.


anorthowife said...

it sounds like you're ready to be in your new house... the good news is that you're almost there! i think that there are some problems (like a really bad day) that are okay to run away from. i mean, you came back, right? and you know what, i dont always remember to make a veggie either...

Mindy said...

Confession #1: The last thing I think about fixing for dinner is the vegetable side dish. I feel a bit guilty when I take the time to think about it. But mostly, I'm just proud of myself for making dinner in the first place. I'm impressed that you felt bad about not having a vegetable for ONE dinner, especially after the day you had!
Confession #2: This post made me laugh. I don't mean to laugh at you and your pain, and I do sympathize with you and wish I could help you more. But Man! I couldn't help but laugh at little Charlotte and all of her "decisions".

Spaceman Spiff said...

I usually cook meat at 500ยบ. Unless it's black and belching smoke, the meat's not done. Vegetables aren't necessary, not by a long shot.

Unknown said...

Mags, you guys lived through it...that's all that matters. I couldn't help cracking up when I read this, your little girl is you wihtout a doubt...

sarah said...

Your daughter is hilarious, but I'm sorry that her hilarity can have such a bad effect on your day. I have run away from home several times - things just always are a little bit better when I come back in a couple of hours!