Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why I keep Her

 I finally found the dog pee.
 I had to sprinkle baking soda over the carpet and the vacuum it up to find where it stuck.

That's how I knew it was dog pee. 
 On our brand new carpet.
 And also on the brand new wall too.
 And sometimes I think we're too poor to own this one dog wrecking crew.
 And sometimes I think we should just get rid of her.
 And then I find a million photos 
 that Charlotte
 and Greg
 and Dan have taken of her.
 And I know I'd never be able to do that.
 So instead I buy an industrial size jug of Nature's Miracle
 And hope it works.

1 comment:

Dan's mom said...

It works. You know how I know...
You might also get some microfiber towels from Costco (or whichever clubstore you have in Rochester)- they pull out lots of fluid. Remember - Lee is also very fond of her & he doesn't know that she isn't a sibling! Sorry - not ever fun.