Monday, February 27, 2006

One Year

The summer after fourth grade my family moved. I think this ended up being one of the best experiences I went through as a child, although at the time I didn't really like it. I can always hear my mom say, "Give it a year. Then it will feel like home." A year seems like a long time, but after a year you're no longer the new kid, you have friends and you know where everything is at school. Your bedroom actually feels like its yours, and the yard starts to grow in right.

Going to college was sort of the same thing--only I had forgotten about the "one year" rule. It was never until the second half of the school year that I finally felt at home in my new living situation. I guess I'm a little slower than others in that it took me until the second half of the school year to feel like I had friends wherever it was I was living (except of course for those that stayed with me the whole time.)

Transferring schools this year is yet another prime example of the "one year" situation. The whole first term I felt really bad about not being at BYU for my senior year, even though I agreed to it. I tried, with varying degrees of success to just deal with it and be happy. I realized this weekend that I finally feel as though I fit in at Oregon State. I have friends in my major that I study with and I know where to go for most things I need. Although I'm not going to graduate with a group of friends as close as my sister did, I do know people that I can sit by and talk to.

The kicker really is that I'm moving in just four months. After that who knows where I'll live? If we get into UW then I'll live in Pullman for less than a year and then in Seattle. At least in Seattle I will live there for about three years. I wonder if there's a way to speed up the "one year" rule?


Anonymous said...

Don't I remeber something about a husband? I assume you won't be moving alone?

Maggie said...

No, I wont be moving alone and it is a great thing to have a husband to be with in moving, but he's not the same as having friends around you in a social setting. What happens when he goes to work or school and I'm alone? It isn't fair to expect him to be there ALL the time and still go to school and try to provide for our family.

Heather said...

That's very true. I enjoy having lunch with Laura on campus, it seems like she and I do more now that I'm married than we did when I was single at BYU.

Maggie said...

Yeah, a husband isn't a girlfriend. He's a man so trying to make him be a girl would just frustrate everyone.