Friday, February 17, 2006

Take That!

So I'm taking this food formulation chemistry class where we take apart a juice beverage and analyze all the macro components and then eventually put all the information together to synthesize a formula for a replicate. So in this class we have TONS of extra reading to do and extra study to do. There was so much that I felt overwhelmed. In the first week of class I asked the the professor how important that extra reading was and he said, "You would need to do it if you want an A in the class or on the tests." Interpretation to my ears, "No." I decided not to do the extra reading. Because of this I studied the class notes really hard before the test and expected to get about a B on the test. Today I got it back from him and I got a 94.5% and he said, "I can really tell you studied Maggie." I said, "Yes I did," because I did study, just not the extra outside readings--and I still got an A! Take that!

1 comment:

Katie said...

You rule!

I miss you