Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sick Day

I was sick the end of the week last week and then all weekend. Yesterday my baby had a temperature all day and through the night. I'm so tired! My house is a mess, my checks haven't been deposited, and my grocery shopping needs to be done, but I can't because she wont let me put her down.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you and Charlotte have been sick. Being a mommy makes getting sick SO much harder... little ones just don't take time off. Wish we were closer so I could help.
The comment sign-in word looks like some strange French expression-

Katie said...


I sent your package in the mail today. Maybe that will help a little?

Maggie said...

Packages always help! I got LeAnn's package of fabric that I forgot at her house today and it warmed up my heart. Now I have yours to look forward to! Oh I do love packages!

Anonymous said...

I sent you a box with your watch in it and some clothes for Charlotte. They were just too cute to leave at the mall and it was your fault I was in the mall getting the watch. It went out yesterday.