Friday, January 08, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Well, with the first week of surgical rotation under our belt, I figured I'd tell you all how it's going. Daniel loves it. He came home the other day delighted because he actually got to scrub in on a pediatric orthopedic case. It was a trauma case, so a little tragic, but also pretty awesome on a learning sort of perspective and also it sounds as though the patient will be able to make a full recovery after some time.

On the home front it's been a little difficult. Mostly because it's giving me a taste of whats to come. It's hard, but we're making it through. On top of him not being home I've got a stinking cold and a deep bruise in my foot where I think I must have stepped on some sort of toy. So I'm limping around the house with my head about to explode. On the plus side I've cleaned out the sewing room and put toys in it. Yesterday Charlotte, Greg and I spent an hour in there playing with a few of our old toys. When I said it was time for Greg to take a nap and me to go Charlotte said, "But I don't want to go! I love my playroom!" Which I thought was pretty funny because it was all our old toys. Hopefully I'll be able to organize all the displaced items soon. With my hurt foot and all it might take me a while though.

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