Friday, January 29, 2010

Is It Really Brave?

After one day of post vacation wrap up I was bored with that so no more of that. The one thing I did want to write about was my flight home from vacation, which was hell.

First, Greg didn't take a good morning nap.

Second, Charlotte had caught another cold from a little boy in Colorado.

Third, Greg didn't take a good afternoon nap, but he did take one.

Result, one sleepy boy that didn't want to sleep. One hacking girl that might at any time puke all over everyone. She was a very cute time bomb.

Most of the flight went really well considering. I tried to get Greg to sleep while I could, but he didn't want to and then the seat belt sign was turned on and no more of the walking the plane. As the pilot told us we were beginning our dissent into St. Louis Charlotte fell totally asleep and Greg decided to scream. And by scream I mean beet red face, full lung force, screaming. Yes, my child was that child and I was that mom. There was nothing I could do. I tried everything, but nothing helped.

Then we landed amid screams and I had to wake Charlotte up to get off the plane because I can't carry two bags and two kids and make it through the narrow aisle. Make no mistake, I could probably physically carry all that for the short trip to the stroller, but the aisle was in my way. But Charlotte was so very asleep that she would not wake up. Would. not. do. it. When she did wake up she started to cry and then tried to go back to sleep on the seat. So there I am with two children crying and dragging them off the plane. As I strap them into the stroller the other passengers are filing past me staring at the show the three of us are putting on. Every so often a kind woman stops me and says that I shouldn't feel bad, there was nothing I could do, it was unavoidable. Which sort of just makes me feel worse because that means they all know it was me.

Awful. Just awful.

But that wasn't really what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to talk about was the reaction that I have gotten every time I have traveled without Dan. I hear over and over again how brave I am for doing it alone. Do single mothers get this sort of reaction where ever they go? "You're so brave to be flying with two kids alone!" Did I somehow give off an alone and helpless vibe? Because here's the thing. As bad as that flight was, having Dan around really wouldn't have changed a whole lot. He wouldn't have been allowed to get up and walk the aisle with Greg after the seat belt sign was on. Carrying Charlotte would only have worked for so long. She was sick and just wanted to be in bed. It wasn't a matter of being brave, it was a matter of doing what had to be done. We were in Denver and we needed to be in St. Louis, so we went. It just strikes me as odd is all.


dad said...

On our trip home from Denver we sat in front of a young mother with a small little boy. This little boy screamed almost the entire trip. It reminded me of you and my beautiful grandchildren and the screams became music to my ears.

Behrmans said...

Someone should have asked to help you carry your bags. Sham on them. People need help!

Dan's mom said...

If you ask many people whom we think of as "heroes", they will often say they simply did what they had to do or had been trained to do. Life's like that - we do the things we need to do in all sorts of situations that others find extrordinary.
Keep up the good work. You're one of our heros.

Mrs. Architect said...

Aww, once again I just love y'alls dad!! :o)

My mom had to travel twice a year *by herself* from Alabama to The Philippines in the early 80's with three kids (my brother was an infant, I was 3 and my sister was 4). Luggage was NOT like it is today - carry ons had no wheels. Remember those metal foldup carts you kept your luggage on with bungee straps?? I have NO idea how she did it!!!

Needless to say she has the patience of an angel for people traveling with kids.