Friday, March 11, 2011

Diagnosis: Fatigue

For a while now I've been getting really tired during the afternoon. I figured everyone got tired during the afternoon and tried not to let it bother me. Then Dan started to have more time to spend at home during the afternoons. He would be working around the house and I would crash on the sofa almost everyday. Even if I pushed through the initial drowsiness once Greg woke up from his nap he would want to cuddle. Sitting on the sofa cuddling with a warm body is not the way to avoid napping. It was really hard to not start feeling bad about it. Dan was working so hard and I was spending at least an hour sleeping in the middle of the day. I still tried to wave away the feeling that something was off. Then Dan told me that I really should go see a doctor. That was a shocker. When the doctor, who doesn't really believe in getting sick, tells you to go see a doctor it really means something.

So today I went to the doctor. I told them I felt healthy and normal, but that I was getting tired in the afternoons almost every afternoon. I have to go in to get some blood work done to make sure I'm not anemic or have thyroid problems, but they're pretty sure I don't since I don't have any of the other symptoms associated with that. The whole thing just seemed like a big mystery and the thought bubble over the doctor's head was reading, "everyone gets tired."

Then the doctor asked me if I'd been sick lately. I told him about the massive cold I had a while back that pretty much wiped me out and the puzzle on his face visibly lifted. Apparently what with that bad cold, and selling the house, being the mom of two kids, and not knowing where we're moving my immune system decided to just stop working so well. Sometimes a virus can just suck the energy out of a person for months even a year after the initial cold is over with. He said to go easy on myself, drink water, and don't really expect to feel 100% until after we move. Great timing huh?

The funny part came when I was reading my discharge papers.
Reason for visit: complaint of fatigue

Diagnosis: fatigue



Kara said...

Usually doctors at least have the decency to take the decription you gave them and translate it into Latin for the diagnosis.

Just tell Dan the afternoon nap is medcially necessary.

Katie said...


Plus you need a new bed...STAT

Maggie said...

I told Dan that the nap was necessairy and he said, "when did you schedule that blood work?" I guess it wont fly.

I figured out what we really need is new good pillows. Actually, I think you were the one that brought up that possibility. Dan told me the other night that he put his hand under his pillow and actually felt his head. I'd get us some new pillows too except for the disaster it was when I tried to buy new ones last time.