Monday, March 28, 2011


Today I was ready to buy my son new shoes. For the past couple of days he's been sort of complaining about wearing his sneakers. Then this morning as soon as I put them on his feet he started yelling, "OW! OW!OW!OW!" until he sat down and ripped his shoes and then even the offending socks off his feet. He calmed down immediately, but wanted the shoes back on. I put them on and the same thing happened. I finally convinced him to wear his boots just so we could make it out of the house. Before buying new sneakers I decided to have his feet measured so we went to the stride rite store after dinner and guess what. Both kids have exactly the same size feet they had last fall. Greg is in a 6.5 wide and Charlotte is in a 10. It's a good thing I got it checked because otherwise I'd have been tricked by my kids again.


Dan's mom said...

Their daddy did that "Take them off! Take themm off!" thing once & I discovered that he had a splinter in his heel that was festering.
Uncle Nate (who had cubby baby feet) sometimes had socks that felt too tight. But maybe Greggie just wanted to be barefoot. At least you know it wasn't the shoes. If he remebers his LAST shoe buying trip, he might never want new shoes again!

Katie said...

Thanks for the update on their shoes sizes...keep your eye on the mail...


Maggie said...

My latest idea is that it's probably the socks. Dan left his socks on under his footie jammies last night and this morning he pointed to his foot and said, "OW!" so today I got new socks. we'll see if that helps.