Sunday, July 29, 2012

I take it back-New Tricks are Great

Now that he's figured out when he wants to roll over his waking up at night has greatly decreased.  That or maybe I'm just sleeping through it.  Doubtful, but possible.

You know what a new trick that everyone enjoys is?  Lee being able to operate this guy!  He loves being upright, although he can't do it for too long.  Also he doesn't jump.  (Charlotte never used this thing to jump either.)

After taking these photos of him today I decided that we needed to trim the hair over his ears.  That hair has grown so long it is now past the bottom of his ears.  How does one cut the hair of a flopsy four month old?  It is comedic in difficulty, but I'll tell you how its done.

1. Start nursing (This is about the only time that Lee is still enough to complete the operation.  It's also when I trim his fingernails too.)
2. Have husband get the hair scissors
3. By the time the husband has found the scissors and brings them back, you have to switch sides
4. Husband works to cut the hair up and around the ears.
5. Baby thinks this is tickley.  Husband does his best to cut a smooth line.  A heroic effort really.
6. Flip baby over to try for other side.  Remember how he had already nursed this side.  With no incentive to stay still he wiggles all over the place.
7. Sit in church looking at baby's first hair cut.  Be grateful that you already got the baby photos taken of this little guy.

1 comment:

Nurse Graham said...

Apparently you make little boys who are carbon copies of their Grandpa Greg.

Love the instructions on how to cut a 4-month old's hair...too bad I don't need that particular set of instructions.

Looking forward to seeing you at the end of this week!