Monday, December 03, 2012

On Our Walk Home

We live close enough to the elementary school that my kids don't get a bus.  So we walk.  Technically we could drive and I could drop them off, but honestly I think that if the school thinks its too close to use a bus then I figure it's probably too close to use my car.  I have driven Charlotte a few times when we're running late and I'm sure when it gets too cold and windy I'll drive her, but we have yet to reach that day.  

On the way home from dropping Charlotte off at the crosswalk Greg and I walk together and talk.  Mostly though I just listen and he tells me about life according to him.  I think the walk home is magic.  Here is an excerpt from our walk home today:

Me: Ooh!  It's a windy rainy day!
Greg: Yeah.
Me: It feels like the wind is pushing us back.
Greg: Good thing we have legs and feet.  
Me: (silence because I have no idea what he means) Hmm...
Greg: That way we can't get blown away.  But cars don't have legs and feet so they could get blown away.  What is that beautiful sound?
Me: Our neighbor has wind chimes.
Greg: What are wind chimes.
Me (pointing): Those things over there making that sound in the wind.
Greg: Maybe we could make wind chimes the next time we go to The Home Depot.  And then we could paint them and make them beautiful and we could have a beautiful sound at our house when it is windy.  Where is my shooter buncgo?
Me: Here.
Greg: I don't want to loose that.  It's important.

Nothing amazing, but you can see why I prefer to walk with my kids than to drive them.  I don't want to cut this part out of my day.

1 comment:

dad said...

He is special.