Sunday, December 02, 2012


My children teach me every day.  I've been trying very hard to bring peace into my home and to teach that to my kids.  I truly believe happiness comes only when we are at peace with ourselves and with those people we interact with.  Since I interact with my children more than all others that's where I have begun.  I've told my kids that I'm working on this trait and that they can help me.  If they see me using an unkind tone of voice all they need to say is "1-2-3" which is the first half of the saying we came up with together. "1-2-3 let it be." If I see them in need of reminding that's what I tell them too.  It reminds us to take a breath step back and see if we are acting like peacemakers.

Tonight Charlotte was unhappy because I told her she couldn't stay up late to watch a Christmas show.  She was mad and more than a little tired when she decided to pound her fist into her chair.  I said nothing so she decided to shove her chair back into the wall.  I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to dent the wall, but she did and then I got mad and yelled at her to go to bed directly.  She stomped and screamed and wailed.  I waited a minute then followed her.  I knew I needed to talk to her about her behavior, but I also knew I should have calmed down more before talking to her.  We were in the middle of a confrontation when Greg quietly walked up and tapped me on the arm.  He said, "1-2-3 Mom.  1-2-3."  

He was right, of course.  I told him so.  I walked away took a breath and came back.  I told Charlotte I was sorry for yelling and calmly explained that it's OK to be disappointed, but it isn't OK to hit and stomp and damage walls.  We ended with a hug, kiss, and cuddles while reading stories.  My son, the peacemaker.

Also, remember when I broke the tub the day I got home from the hospital after delivering Lee?  We temporarily fixed the upstairs tub.  Here are some photos of Lee in the inaugural bath time.

1 comment:

dad said...

greg takes after you. The never like confrontation and always was the peacemaker.