Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A plan? What plan?

I thought we had a plan for next year, but as it turns out that's just what my husband told me to get me to stop worrying about it or something like that. I found out a couple days ago that my father-in-law's PA called Loma Linda again, (which is what I wanted him to do in the first place, but my husband wasn't sure he wanted that) and when he called the guy there chuckled and said he was "working on it." I'm not sure what that means, but what is really important in this story is that hearing that seemed to perk up my husband. Like he would really want to go to LL if he were accepted. So net result, we have no plan. We wont have a plan until at the very soonest the end of the month. Oh well, at least I have tons of stuff to do until then!


Anonymous said...

You still have a plan - well 2 plans. You just don't know if one will be available, that's why you have the other plan, too. Way better than no plan at all!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit disappointed (and skeptical) that someone would pull strings like that and have it actually work. Just think if your husband got bumped for someone ELSE who had someone making calls for them? I'd say if your husband hasn't gotten in anywhere you can plan on reapplying next year.

Maggie said...

Dear anonymous #2,
I would be skeptical and disappointed too except for the fact that I have heard several stories about girls and guys who are dating/engaged that are both applying to medical schools. One gets in and the other is waitlisted. Then the waitlisted one makes a call or writes a letter about how they're engaged and then a couple of days later they get in after having been on the waitlist. In one instance they actually were engaged and in the other they were only dating. The dad of the girl called the school up and LIED to them! And it worked!

Also I was in a group project with another student who happened to be a minority that got into a medical school and this is a direct quote from her, "I got in because they needed more minorities in their incoming class."

It already feels like my husband has gotten bumped for someone else that might be less qualified, maybe not because they made calls, but it still seems like it happened. Maybe it's just the system, but it seems to me to be unbalanced.

I don't feel bad about someone else not getting in because my husband pulled a few strings. He has the highest GPA possible and good MCAT scores. He's active in the community and spent two years at the free medical clinic translating for the docotrs and hispanic patients. He's shadowed doctors and worked hard. He's qualified. It's not like the PA is saying let him in and I'll give you tons of money or something. All the PA is saying is that my husband is a good student and he would be a good person to have in their program. It's like having a really good reference in your resume.

At any rate we are planning on reapplying next year. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe the "stories" you hear - if any committee makes such waivers for dating couples I've never heard about it from the numerous people I know personally (both on selection committees and who have applied). Sure, politics plays a role in getting in and sometimes the process isn't fair - but that's what life is about. I hope you are realistic enough to know that if these schools thought your husband was that qualified (or their right candidate this year) he would be in already. I don't see one call from a PA making any difference - but that's just me. Sometimes the year someone applies makes more of an impact than their specific credentials or experience. Your husband sounds great, it just may not be his year. However, you seem to need to grow up a bit and stop your whining.

Maggie said...

Perhaps I do need to grow up. This process has taught me a lot about being patient. I'm sorry I went off. You hit a sensitive spot that seemed to be criticizing my husband. I will always defend my husband (which is what I was doing) and I don't think that's immature. In all actuallity it is hard to go through this whole thing and I'll be glad when it's done. I am so surprised that someone like you who seems to know a lot about this whole process doesn't use that information or experience to help others rather than just making negative comments.

Heather said...

Dear Anonymous, I don't usually criticize people on someone else's blog, but I think it's funny that you waltzed onto Maggie's blog here, read a few lines, and assumed you know everything about her. You are being super judgemental towards someone you don't even know, and I think that is rude.

Margs, you're not being immature in the slightest bit and don't let anonymous get to you. And I love you.

shafnitz said...

I've learned a lot in my lifetime and I am pretty old. One thing that I've learned is the less someone knows, the more they try to prove that they know something. I deal with these people every day. The sad part is, they usually don't get any smarter.

Anonymous said...

I just think it's always a more rewarding feeling to know that YOU got yourself in, rather than to have someone "pull a few strings" or "make a good suggestion."

Why do you post such comments if you get so offended when someone offers a comment?

Anonymous said...

I want to expand a little on what Heather said. Not only did you assume you knew anything about Maggie, you also assumed that somehow her husband wasn't a top flight candidate for med school.

The truth of the matter is that he happens to be an extremely qualified candidate and I guarantee (having been through the vet school application process myself) that he was passed over in favor of less qualified candidates who were accepted only because they represent "diversity". Sometimes the only way some highly qualified white males get in is by having phone calls made. I mean really let's call a spade a spade, he has been penalized because of his race and gender.

One last thing, Maggie, don't ever apologize for standing up for your husband, or yourself for that matter. Those of us close to you guys know Dan's qualifications and we are incredulous that he has not, as of yet been accepted.

