Thursday, December 20, 2007
Let's Hope
Recipe I love
Chinese Sweet-and-sour pork
Wow, I just looked at the recipe in the book and that's a lot to type, if you want the recipe let me know and I'll put it up. (It's not hard, I'm just lazy and I'm not sure anyone would actually use it.) The reason that I like the recipe isn't just because it's yummy though. I really like all the chemistry that's going on when you're making it. Maillard browning, starch gelatinization, denaturation of proteins, mingling of flavor compounds, and much more. It just totally reminded me of some of the experiments that I did during school. It made me feel smart and I loved it. Plus, this time I didn't make the oil too hot like last time. The batter browned perfectly.
Another benefit to this came in the entertainment Charlotte had today with the leftover brown rice. I decided to eat some for part of my lunch and she decided that she wanted some too. So I fed her some. Then she decided that she wanted to feel the rice between her fingers. I figured we could have a messy lunch time (occasionally I think it's important to get dirty when learning new things). Then she decided that it would be really fun to empty the whole rice container on the floor. Well, at least she had fun.
Slow on the Uptake
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
munchkin mischief
She was sad when I immediately took it away from her.
Another cute picture I took of her was this morning just before she got up. This is how she's decided to sleep in her crib right now:
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Projects
My sister, my baby
She sleeps in the car. A lot.
She likes to eat Panera bagels.
She likes to go shopping with me.
She's better dressed than me.
It made me laugh yesterday when this occurred to me. I thought I'd share this little treat with everyone today. Now I keep thinking of more things to add to my list.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Online Prints
Isn't it funny that with everything that seems to be keeping me busy lately as we count down to Christmas, what I chose to write about is my vacuum. I guess I just love good cleaning supplies.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Merry Christmas
I think I'm really getting into the Holiday spirit now. I've been thinking a lot about what someone told me a week ago. The home she grew up in was culturally Jewish, but she said they were really agnostic. Later in life she converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In other words, she became a Christian. That gave her a whole lot of freedom to decide what traditions she wanted to have in her family for Christmas. While she still lights the menorah with her parents and siblings, she chose Christmas traditions that brought her family closer to Christ during this time of year, and, in her words, "Christmas cards were quickly ruled out." It just got me thinking about all the traditions Dan's family and my family have. Which ones do I want to emphasize? Which ones do I want to take out? What do I want the feel of the Holidays to be? Do we really need to have our counter constantly replenished with homemade candy from Thanksgiving to New Year's?
Already because of the financial restraints of our situation, gift giving has been kept to a minimum. That's a mixed bag of sorts because there are so many positives and negatives. It has helped me see the world through my husband's eyes. He truly has been a real teacher to me about being less covetous and materialistic. Yes, there are things that I would love to have. Yes, I love to get gifts, but that's not really what our home has been focusing on right now. The negative side is on the part where I would love to give more. Oh how I wish I could give all the things I'm seeing that I think my family would love! Although now that I come to think of it, what I am giving them I'm making with my own hands. I think more love has gone into my gifts the past two years than ever before.
My husband and I have decided to do a 12 days of Christmas with the family. I'm really excited about this one. Our plan is to have Christmas envelopes with a family activity in them for each night of the 12. We take turns picking an envelope and do whatever is in each of them. This way we spend more time together as a family this time of year. Also, some of the envelopes will be based on the spiritual message of the season. I was going to have it be an advent type thing and go for the whole month, but thinking of 12 things is much easier than 25. Even though it's Christmas, I'm still a slacker. Oh well. This is a tradition I hope we will keep.
There are others I've been thinking about, but I'm tired and I have to go do the stinking dishes now. YUCK!
Oh, and one last thought before I finish. When I got married and realized that I would be spending at least half my holidays with my in-laws, I never thought I'd be so excited to see them! While it's not the same as the Christmas that I grew up with, it's still a place where I love and am loved. I missed seeing Dave at Thanksgiving and I was super tired the night I saw Heather and her kids so I'm glad I'm going to get a chance to see them while I'm actually awake!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Unexpected Advice
Last week, while waiting at the doctor's office with my baby a youngish gentleman started talking to me about his daughter (now five and living with her mother). He raised her on his own until recently and it sounded like he was a great dad. Then he said, "I didn't want my daughter to have any resentment so I didn't beat her, until I thought she really needed it, because sometimes they just really need it." I'm sure he meant spanking. I hope he meant spanking rather than beating. I'll never know. I just smiled an nodded until the nurse called my name.
PS. Neither of these stories were the ones I was going to share, but they were just such odd experiences I had to share them.
Monday, December 03, 2007
The Evidence Keeps Piling Up
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Here's our mantle with the Santa mantle runner I made last year and the new nativity scene. It looks really good next to the dark wood.
Also today was the first time I've actually been able to do Charlotte's hair! It looked so cute!
Monday, November 26, 2007
- your facial cleanser
- your razor
- your favorite lip balm
- your hair spray
- your mousse
- your hair dryer
- your curling iron
It's going to be an interesting four weeks. Does anyone else realize that it's just my stuff we left? Luckily I have some cleanser (which I don't like as much), and we can have a designated blade for me on my husband's razor, but I think I'm going to have to go buy more mousse and hair spray.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I loved seeing my family and spending time with my mom. Just Mom and me. It felt awesome. Not only because I had a little adult time, but because Dan was with the baby so I knew I didn't even need to think about her. She was taken care of.
Also, Dan and I went out on a date! We've spent "date" time here at the house after the baby's asleep, but we haven't gone out on a date since she was born. It was so much fun! Home dates are good because they're cheap and simple, but it's fun to go out.
Charlotte did so well with other people this time around. I think all this vacation time has taught her that I'm not the only person that can love her. (But I think I'm still her favorite and I like it that way.) On the plane ride home Dan held her while she was napping and I looked over and saw both of the people I love most in the world sleeping. There's nothing like a Daddy and his daughter! No wonder we have so many photos of the two of them asleep!
My sister and her husband didn't come until late Wednesday night and we left Friday so we really only had a day together. I got really sad when I realized that we wont be seeing each other at Christmas either so that was it for a while. Oh, but I do love them both. They both also had tons of fun with Charlotte and I think my sister got a sore arm from bouncing her so much.
We missed seeing Nate, Jenny and their kids and both Dan and I sincerely hope they will be able to make it up the day after Christmas. Although if they can't we understand, we don't want to put too much pressure on them. It's just that a whole year of living close to them has spoiled us, we miss them too much!
On the Charlotte front she's gotten a whole lot more brave this past week. She has realized that if she really wants to get around she's going to have to figure out how to let go of the sofa and still stay upright. Now, if there's a gap between furniture that she can't quite reach across she's just letting go and hoping that she lands right. It's pretty funny. I think she's getting one or both of her top teeth in right now. On the plane we put an ice cube in a flannel blanket and had her chew on it and she really liked it. Plus, nursing is getting increasingly uncomfortable. I think we are seeing the end of the nursing days soon. She loves bouncing and shaking her head no. Both are games she likes even more if someone plays along with her (as both Aunt Katie and Uncle Garrett would do.)
Oh our break was good. It was so short though! My only consolation is that it's only four weeks until the next one! I have so many projects to complete before then! I'd better get going!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hallelujah Chorus!
Then came last night. We did all the same things. She went to bed at 7 and then I nursed her right before I went to bed. Then, the next thing I knew it was 6:30 AM and my husband was leaning down to kiss me good bye! Hallelujah! She's figured it out! She can put herself back to sleep! This is so amazing! Now if we can just keep this trend going.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Helmets part 2
To clarify, the question at hand is not whether an adult should wear a helmet. The question is whether said adult should be made to wear a helmet if they would rather chose not to.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Live and Learn
Do: Have most things ready when your husband gets home from school
Don't: Take so long getting the last few things ready that you start to be late to the airport.
Do: Go to economy parking, even though it's about a mile past the airport. It's the cheapest parking lot, cheaper even than the other private parking areas.
Don't: Have your baby get her six month shots the day before you leave. She might get a mild fever and be achy and cranky. This isn't fun for anyone.
Don't: Sit in the middle of the plane. Someone will sit in the third seat in the row and then you don't have any room for the cranky baby to move around.
Do: Bring things for your baby to eat. When she eats she's happy (which is a lot like her mom).
Don't: Forget to bring food for yourself.
Do: Remember that EVERYONE loves babies! Especially grandma aged women. If you feel like talking that's great. If you feel like sleeping, that's not so great.
Do: Stay at your cousin's house. He's so awesome and seemed so happy to see us!
Don't: Forget Tylenol. If you take your baby two time zones away and then make her be in pain so wont sleep. period.
Do: Spend time with Grandma Whiting. She is awesome with the little ones!
Don't: Wait to get Tylenol because it might cost a lot. Get it anyway. It'll make a huge difference.
Do: Take turns staying up with the baby when she wakes up at night. Preferably have a good video. In our case it was Finding Nemo at Dan's friend's house. We stayed up and watched it with her at 2 AM until she fell asleep. Then when she woke up at 5 AM we switched places and the other one watched it with her until she fell asleep. It's way better than fighting with her to go back to sleep in a place that she doesn't know.
Do: Sit next to a grandma/grandpa couple while waiting for your flight to take off. They may just give your baby a banana to eat. Your baby loves bananas.
Do: On the flight home remember to give her Tylenol before the plane takes off and give her juice. She'll fall asleep for half of the flight and play quietly the second half. If you can get a seat free in between the two of you for the baby it's even better. She can sit in that seat. Or she can look between the cracks and play with the two grown men behind her.
Do: Bring teething toys. She kept biting everything she could fit in her mouth. I thought she was only getting two teeth, but those two have broken through and she's still biting everything.
Don't: Just assume that since she's in her own crib the damage done by the two time zones and no schedule will go away. You will have to reteach her to go to sleep alone.
All in all the trip was good. I just would have done things a lot differently. I don't really like waking up at 5 AM, but I don't think that can be avoided.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
The secret I've been keeping is that Dan's two buddies that he studies with dressed up in costume as him! The night before Halloween I asked Dan if he was going to dress up and he said, "As myself." I told him that was a good costume, but I didn't tell him that his costume was going to be stolen from him! On Sunday I took his belt with his buckle and it was a good thing that I was asleep when he was getting ready in the morning. I totally would have blown it. He told me he was totally surprised. YES!
My morning
When I went in to the shower the box of Cheerios was completely intact. The books were in a neat little stack.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween Costumes
Later I decided that we should go to the zoo since the weather was so good. Since we were going to be around the animals I decided I'd dress her in her bear outfit.
I did have a cute little pink nose, but she rubbed that off before we got to the zoo. Also there are paw prints on the bottoms of the feet. She was super cute!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Home Decor
A rug for a penny! Awesome!
Dan built me this TV stand. I think it's awesome, but he told me that it's, "far from perfect." He's always harder on himself than anyone else!
This is our hall of family photos. The hall is skinny so I couldn't get a shot of them straight on.
This is our other new rug. I thought it was sufficiently masculine enough for Dan to like it.
Here's our fireplace with the mantel all decorated. I like my Halloween pumpkins I've painted on the hearth there.
These are the drapes that I made from fabric I used in our two previous apartments for drapes. I just reworked them here.
I think I finally found a way to display Dan's horns that I like! I never, ever thought that this day would come, but I think they look good on the wall like that.
These new curtains in our bedroom look really good. Dan likes them too because they block more light at night. We've had a really hard time getting used to light coming through the window at night here. In Clarkston everything was always dark at night.
The New Term
In other Dan related news his study buddies are going to surprise him on Wednesday and I'm in on it. Given my lack of ability to keep a secret I think this was pretty bold of them although they don't know that I'm horrible at secrets. I'm trying super hard not to give it away, but it's just so good that I want to laugh with glee every time I think about it! I'll let everyone in on the secret on Wednesday, but since I'm trying to be a good secret keeper I wont tell yet.
Also Dan related, this weekend we are going to go to Dan's buddy's wedding. This is a friend he's had since kindergarten so we're pretty excited. We're flying to Washington for the ceremony and it'll be the first time in a plane for our little one. I'm bringing an extra bottle, both pacifiers, finger foods, and some toys, but beyond that it's all about being lucky. We're flying out Friday and back on Sunday. Oh what a weekend. Well, that's all I can think of for now!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Your House in Order
This morning, while taking out the garbage I discovered another little exciting project was done. Dan bought us storage shelves for our food storage and other things in the basement so I will actually be able to see what we have. Today I found that he's put them together! I was so excited that I organized them then and there. I then decided to inventory what we currently have. Then I looked up what we needed for one year. Oh boy! We are gonna need to get crackin on this whole food storage thing. As far as grains go we're gonna need about 600 lbs of them for a year for all of us and we have a total of 15 lbs. Well, it's something to work on. My only concern is that I couldn't find a solid numerical target for food storage of things like sugar, salt, fruits, baking soda. I found concrete numbers for grains (including wheat, rice, and corn), legumes, and water, but that was it. How am I supposed to get a year's worth of food storage if I don't know how much we'll need? Frustrating, very frustrating. Oh well, I'm sure it's just because I've never really thought about needing it before. (We actually have absolutely no water stored which seems really dumb now that I think about it.)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
no news
In good news I tipped the run/walk ratio in favor of running yesterday! Exciting huh?
I was wondering during my run today, what percentage of people run/exercise while listening to their ipod? If they do that then when do they have time to just think their own thoughts? I have found that my run in the morning is my favorite time to think about the day, the future, funny stories, lots of things. If you're listening to music how do you do that and think at the same time? If you don't, then when do you get a chance to just think?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Babler State Park
This was the bridge that we started on. There wasn't any water below it though.
Don't you like her jacket? It has little pants that go with it that have feet with paw prints on the bottom. We decided to forgo those though because I let her get down and walk around a little after the walk and it would have gotten those really dirty.
We did have to stop part of the way through because mommy and baby both got hungry. I had a really yummy chicken salad sandwich and Charlotte had really yummy mommy's milk.
Here we are at the end of the hike. I just realized that not only are we both wearing pink, but we are both wearing clothing that Aunt Katie got for us! Kinda funny huh?
Charlotte figured out that her tongue doesn't always have to be inside of her mouth. In fact she finds it very fun for it to be outside of her mouth now!
In other news, remember those "allergies" that Charlotte and I caught of Dan's a little less than a month ago? Well, I got the cold and got over it, but Charlotte didn't very well. She's all over it except for this cough. A persistent cough that is deep in her chest, but doesn't really do a whole lot except for keep us all up at night. I'm thinking about getting a humidifier. What do you think? Is it worth the investment or should we just tough it out for a little? She's going to the doctor as soon as possible (hopefully next week) since she's now almost 7 months old and still hasn't had her 6 month appointment. If she's still got the cough then I'll bring it up, but I really hope she's over it by then.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Free Time
So here I was looking at my booklet thinking that some of these things would be fun to do today. The only hang-ups were that (1) my baby cried for a solid hour today and I had no idea why or how to stop it. She cried until she passed out with exhaustion. Hopefully she'll wake up totally over that whole I'm mad at the world attitude. (2) My husband is studying today.
Well, I can't do a whole lot about (1) but hope for a better future. As far as my husband studying I decided I'd call him and see what he's up to. When I asked him how long he'll be studying for he said, "A while still. Why?" I told him that if he studied until around 2 or so then we could still go out hiking or something and wouldn't that be fun? But if he had to keep studying I totally understood since next Friday is his anatomy final. He's so awesome. He said that 4 more hours of studying would probably do him pretty well and then we could go. Now my only question is where to. Choices, choices, choices. Oh I do love free time!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Hill
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The past couple of days I've had that same feeling, only not been able to quite put it into words. That's why I haven't really been posting all that much. I've thought it through now so I figured I'd try to share it. This next part is going to sound really, really silly though. I feel that the pool I am swimming in is my love for those around me, and specifically my family. I was swimming around the bottom of the shallow end of the pool gazing around thinking I had this deep love. It seems that in the last months, and probably triggered by having my baby, I have finally ventured out into the deep end of the pool and my love for them is so, so much more. The funny thing is I don't really think it appears to be any more than it was a few short months ago. So here's what I've been thinking I want to say to my family.
I love you so much that every time I think about it tears just start coming. You are so, so amazing just because you are you. I think you are beautiful and strong and funny and smart, but I want you to know that's not why I love you. Even if you were none of those things I would still love you because you are my baby and you are amazing. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the blessing it is to be your mom and I pray for the knowledge of the skills I need to meet your needs mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I feel that because of you I have become a stronger, milder, and more open minded person. I love you.
I love you more than I can ever express to you. Sometimes I just burst inside to try and get that across to you. I can't imagine being any happier with my chosen partner on our path as husband and wife. You truly are smarter than the average bear and I am so, so, so proud to be the wife that stands next to you. I think you complement me so well--at times holding me up and at times being held up by me. You are smart and handsome and strong and truly gifted, but again, like Charlotte, that's not why I love you. I love you for just being you, and for letting me see all of you. There are somethings I want you to never stop doing because I cherish them so. I want you to never stop making up silly songs to sing to our children, I love hearing them from the other room as you sing them to Charlotte in the tub. I want you to never stop being, "funny, funny" even though sometimes I don't laugh right away. You always know how to make me laugh. I want you to never stop trying your best to make me feel protected and provided for. I love that about your masculinity. We had heard that the third year of marriage is a hard one, which may be true for some. We have also heard that the first year of medical school is a hard one, which may be true for others. I just want you to know that I am proud of what we are doing and I am loving you for your efforts more and more each day.
I love you and I can't thank you enough for being my dad! I feel like I won in the daddy lottery! Thank you so, so much for being my dad and giving me so much of yourself! I am learning more and more each day how hard it is to raise children in a righteous way. It is hard, but you have also taught me that it is worth it and it has plenty of perks along the way. I am so sorry when I think about how hard on you I was when I was in high school. I just want you to know that I appreciate and value you as an amazing man and a wonderful father. You are strong, patient, smart, spiritual, and funny. That is not why I love you though. I love you because you loved me first. I know that you worry about me because I know I will never stop worrying about my baby. Thank you for your love and support.
I love you and I can't believe how shallow my love for you has been until now. Now that I understand what it means to have a mother's love. Now that I know what it's like to worry over every choice I make and my child makes. You worked so hard for Katie and me! And now I realize that your job is not over, even though both of us are out on our own. Being a mom is forever and I am so glad that you are mine. You have taught me so much about what that means and I am realizing more and more each day how carefully you treated your job. Nothing good happened in our home by accident. You and dad had plans for us and I thank you for that. I don't know if I have ever told you this before, but I was always so proud to have you come to my school when I was in elementary, to pick me up, to give a presentation at career day, to go to my performances. I just want you to know that 100% of the time I thought you were always the most beautiful mom there. You are beautiful, strong in mind and personality, humble, and spiritual. I love you mom!
I love you so much! You are my exemplar. Thank you so, so much for being there when I needed you. I know, and have always known, that I can turn to you for any help that I may need. I really do have the best sister in the whole world. You never acted too cool to be around me and I love you so much for that. I hope I can teach Charlotte to be the kind of big sister that you always have been for me. You are S-M-A-R-T! And you are also sincere and loving. Thank you for showing me yourself. I love you so, so much.
To the newest member of my family I just want you to know that I love you so much! You have made my sister more happy than I have ever seen her before and I cherish that about you. I want you to know that I think you are amazing both in action and in word. I hope that my children will look to you as another shining example of what it means to be a good man in our society. Thank you for that, in advance. I love you.
Nathan and Jodi
I love you both so very much. You have taught me what it means to be a newlywed and be poor and be happy. The two of you are the first examples that I actually was aware of outside of myself. Thank you so, so much for that. You both are also my first examples of good and righteous people that weren't raised by my parents. You taught me that different ways of doing things are ok and that I need to figure out what I'm going to do as a parent. Thank you. I love you both and I love your girls!
I love you so much more now than I ever have before! I love you not only for being a wonderful mother to my husband and a great grandma to my baby, but also for being a great role model for me. It is such a comfort to personally know, someone that has done the exact same things I am doing right now. I love that you support Daniel and me so very much. I am very fortunate to have such a great mother-in-law. It feels so good to be understood about where I'm coming from. Thank you. I love you.
To the father of my husband, I love you. Thank you for teaching my husband what it means to be a good father. I think that many of the things he does in our family are because he saw you doing them for him. Thank you for teaching him to work hard and to be honest. Thank you also for your continued love and support for all three of us right now. We love you so much. I hope that my children will also look to you as an example of a good father, husband, leader, and man. I love you.
There are many more people I have been thinking about lately and many more that I love very much. This post is getting long though so maybe I'll just call them and let them know. My love for each of my family members and friends has deepened so very much in the past few months that it amazes me. I thank the Lord for each of you daily.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Explosion
Her attitude changed amazingly after the incident. She must have felt better because she acted happier all day than she had for the past few. I was completely covered in poop, and, amazingly relieved by it.
PS. Sorry if this grosses you out. It was the only thing I could think to post about today.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A New Project
I decided that I'm going to sew my own baby/little girl dresses and sell them. I decided this because I went to a children's boutique here a few weeks back and was shocked to see the prices on baby clothing that I knew I could make just as well for a whole lot less money. Ever since I committed myself to the idea it's pretty much taken hold of me. I take this as a good sign. I came up with a design that seems really cute to me and I love it. Now I'm stuck. For the past three nights I've been unable to sleep because I need to chose fabric and accents for the first dress. I have so many ideas and I just don't know what I want to do. Then it's a matter of matching my ideas to my available materials. I lay in bed just thinking about what is a good idea and what isn't and how I'm going to get things done. I have found that planning things takes much longer than actually doing them.
Another thing is in the past few days my eyes have been opened to the seemingly limitless possibilities of fabric that can be found at the click of a button. What to do, what to do. So now it's 11 pm, my husband went to bed a half hour ago, my baby went to bed 4 hours ago and she will get me up at 6 am whether I spend more time at this computer or not. I really should go to bed. Charlotte and I have a big day tomorrow at the Botanical Gardens. Plus, with this cough that she has now developed I know I wont sleep very well tonight. I should get to bed now so that I can jump start my sleeping. I can't though. I know if I go to bed I'll just lay there......thinking.
This really should be an easy decision. It's not like it's going to be the only dress I make. I should just go ahead and chose one and then move on to the next. It's just that I want to chose the best one. I want to fall in love with the one that I'm making and not think that I could do better.
Well, there it is. My new project. I am so excited!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I was measuring something to sew and I only wanted to round the measurements to the nearest 1/8 inch where the math came out 3/16. I told him I was rounding it and he said, "You can't build a house off 3/16 an inch." And I thought I was picky about being exact!
Last week, just after I had changed the sheets my husband asked, "How often do you change the sheets?" I just had to laugh when I told him, "We've been married for two years and you haven't noticed that I change the sheets once a week?" We both had a good laugh over that one.
The creative process is so much different between the two of us. My husband's process is completely inside of himself. He loves to create things, all on his own. I am the opposite where I love to have the creative process be collaborative. I know I have some ideas, but they get so much more defined and refined when I share them with others. Also, when others share their input I think it gets so much better.
My husband is so great at understanding this difference. He will always be my collaborator when I want one with my projects. Keep in mind that most of my projects include sewing. He is so awesome. Although he does tend to want gingham and plaid, for everything.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Just In Case
Now I have to go clean that mess!
Last Night's Dinner
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Speaking of things that change when you have a baby I realized a few days ago something that I never thought would change. I actually run now! I was taking a two mile walk everyday, but the baby would always start to cry about 4 blocks from the end of the walk. So I adapted. Now I walk two blocks and run one for the whole two miles. It's great because she doesn't get mad about being there too long. Today I realized that walking two running one was getting pretty easy for me. I guess I'll have to switch things up a bit. I can't believe how much having a baby changes things!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
In A Row
On another note, my husband is so funny! If any of you know him in real life you wont believe me about how silly he is, but he just is so silly! The other night he spent the whole evening talking and singing in a french accent. And by the way his french accent isn't really very good. He's just so funny! I just love being around him! I sort of love that he's only really silly inside his own home with his little family. It's like a secret awesomeness that Charlotte and I are let in on.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
My New Favorite Photo

Isn't she awesome!
On another note, thanks for all the encouraging comments. I feel much better now. The freak out has passed.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Charlotte Sweb
Thursday, September 06, 2007
And I'm sure he'll get up and review more before bed tonight!
Rainy Day Reds
On the plus side my baby learned two new "tricks" yesterday. She found out that she could pull herself up. Kind of awesome, kind of really scary. I don't know if I'm ready for a mobile little one especially since we haven't figured out what we're doing with the front steps to our place. The other trick is that when I'm holding her hands she figured out that not only can she raise and lower her feet individually, but she can move them forward to step. She would look at them as they went forward like it was so surprising that her feet were doing it. The success rate of this one is still very low, but it was something fun to show Dan when he got home yesterday.
Speaking of my husband his first test is tomorrow. He is working himself to the limit studying for it too. His drive to excell amazes me. I'm confident he'll do well on it, but you should all think good thoughts for him tomorrow.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Now I would like to say that I think I'm pretty ok at cutting my husband's hair. I have developed my own system that I use every time. My idea is that with repetition I might just perfect the system. Here's how it goes:
- Use the clippers on the bottom 2/3 of his head.
- Get his whole head wet.
- Realize that I still haven't shaved his neck and around his ears so towel dry is head.
- Use the clippers on his neck.
- Get his head wet again.
- Get out the scissors.
- Accidentally scrape the comb across the top of both ears while combing it out.
- Cut a T to divide the top of his head into 4 quadrants. This I will use as a guide later so that it's all even.
- Lose where the T was and make another one.
- At this point I get sort of confused about the two different T's because of course one is shorter than the other. Since I can't make hair longer I use the shorter of the two T's.
- Fill in the rest of the four quadrants so that the hair is longer on the top of his head than on the sides.
- Proclaim the job finished.
- Spend the rest of the night looking funny at him because I cut one side longer than the other.
- Decide to do something about it the next night and cut the other side even with the first.
- Spend the next two weeks finding spots that I didn't cut as short as others.
- Call them "texture" when husband asks me about it.
All I can say is it's really good that my husband isn't vain. He honestly thinks I'm good at cutting hair! I think I'm better at cutting hair than I was and one day I might be good enough to get it right on the first try. By then though, he'll probably just go to the barber again. Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself!
Red Delicious

Or perhaps the gala:

Or really my favorite the pink lady:

I'm only showing you these three because they are my personal favorites, there are many, many different kinds of apples out there.
This little fact makes me think that there's got to be the same type of thing out there with all kinds of fruit that I don't know about. What about bananas I only know of two types, the regular yellow type and the plantain. Are there others? Would anyone recommend a different type than the classic yellow banana? What about oranges? Are navel oranges really the best type of orange? What I would really like to know about is grapes. After learning a tiny bit about viticulture I know there are about a bazillion types of grapes and the ones I usually buy in the grocery store don't really cut the mustard as far as fruit snacking is concerned. Any ideas on what the best type of grape is? How can I get my hands on them?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Almost there!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
File this week under:
Lastly, my sister has been calling me more often! I do love to talk to her. She doesn't like to talk on the phone very much, if at all, so any time she calls it's like a special treat. I like that she just lets me ramble on and on about nothing. Thanks Katie!
Anyway, isn't my life amazing? I think you'd have to agree!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Magazine
Ever since I've been asking myself what I would put in my own magazine. I have no idea! I guess it'd be a parenting magazine. Am I really a parenting magazine? I like to read them, a lot. I do spend a lot of time dealing with poop and how to get rid of it. Maybe my magazine would be about sewing. I do like to sew. Perhaps it would be about living on a budget? I don't know.
So anyway, the question(s) of the day is/are: if you had a magazine what would it be about? Would you put a photo of yourself on it every month? Do you think others would want to read it?
Friday, August 24, 2007
My Sanity
I also decided that I need to talk to an adult other than my husband. I love him, but when he comes home for the day he's spent! He works so hard at school and talks so much and is concentrating so hard, and still has more studying to do that he doesn't have a whole lot left to give. I totally understand that and I also appreciate that he does make an effort. He talks all during dinner about my day and his day and what we want to do about certain things and it's great. The problem comes in that out of 24 hours I spend 7 hours sleeping (sort of), 15-16 hours conversing with a baby that can't talk, and 1 maybe 2 hours with an adult. I decided I need more.
That is why this morning I walked for about an hour, and had Tammy over with her two kids to play. It was SOOOOO GOOOOOOD! Plus, I think Charlotte was happier having stuff to do with Madeline, Tammy's baby girl. Anyway, we're much happier today.
Our New Fridge
You'd think that I would be really happy right now right? I got to spend the morning with my friend and a new fridge. Only half of those things happened. I did get to spend the morning with my friend and it was great. I did NOT, however, end up with a new fridge. Let me ask you this one question, when getting a new fridge what is the first step in finding the right criteria? In my book it would be measuring the old fridge, the opening, and the areas you will need to take the fridge to get it into place! I mean honestly, who doesn't measure? You'll end up buying a fridge that is way too big! They couldn't get the fridge down the hallway! My landlord just kept telling them that they should be able to do it. I looked and there was no way they were going to be able to get that fridge in there. They wont be able to get the fridge in if it's too big for the hole you've got to put it through. It's not like fridges can squeeze! So that was a big hassle, and there's no fridge.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Julie Had Her Baby!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Zoo
This is the two of us with the penguins behind. It was pretty dark in there so you can't really see the penguins, but they were swimming all around.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Mirror, Mirror
Friday, August 17, 2007
And Just When You Thought He Couldn't Get Better
He makes me cookies while playing with the baby. Of course I let him eat as many as he wants.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Heart melting
Now I realize that our house is approximately 2 feet away from our neighbor's and also that the old in the window air conditioning unit sticks out into that space. It would be really difficult to get to the roof from the side of the house. Do you really have to drop EVERYTHING you drop right onto the metal air conditioning unit? Yes, that sound wakes up my baby. Every.single.time. I just get her back to sleep and then they manage to drop more! If they don't drop stuff on the unit then they're banging around on our roof. My anger started to rise as I was trying to work with a screaming baby. It was only kept in check by the fact that I figured the work on the place needed to be done.
This only helped until I took out the garbage. As I was putting it in the dumpster behind our house I looked back and saw that, although their ladder was placed next to our house they were actually working on the chimney of our neighbor's house. They've been clomping, banging, throwing things at our house while not even working on our house! And now they've decided it's time to again bang on our roof. And yes, my baby did just wake up screaming once again.
The Heat
1. What is the best thing you cooked last week?
Hahahahahaha! We were still moving in last week! I had no stove! I had no oven! So I didn't really cook anything last week. Usually I cook all our meals, but last week I didn't. We're still moving in, but I have the whole kitchen unpacked now. A few nights ago I made taco salad that was pretty good. I planned on having leftovers the next night but my husband had already taken it to school and eaten them for lunch. I guess he liked those.
2. If money, time, and babysitting were no object where would you go and with who?
I guess I'm so lame because I don't really have a destination that I'd love to go to and I'm being held back from. I would like to spend more time with my family. And I would really like to have a whole week of sleeping 8 hours a night without interruptions. So I'd do that if money, time, and babysitting were no object. Probably it would be cool I guess if my family came here to St. Louis for a week and we went to all the places I've seen for families to go to that cost money. St. Louis is great for cheap and free things, but there's also a lot of cool family stuff that does cost money. I'm saving those for when we have money to spend.
3. When was the last time you cried?
I'd say yesterday. As it turns out we're really poor (that's what happens when your husband is in medical school). I was hoping to be able to get some help with medical insurance, but Missouri isn't very helpful. I was so frustrated just trying to get in contact with anyone that could help me. Then when I finally did get a hold of someone all I was told was, "No don't come in we'll mail you something." That and the we're not going to help you one bit news that I received was really frustrating.
4. What is the most played song on your ipod right now?
Hahahaha! This is another funny one since I don't have an ipod. Again we're poor. Also I did have my hands on one and didn't really care to set it up. I know, I know, I've heard all about them being awesome and once you have one you don't know how you'd live without one. My brother said they're like cell phones were. When cell phones were first coming out he'd think to himself that they weren't that big a deal. Then once he got one he would never go back to not having one. Well, to be honest I probably could be just as happy not having a cell phone either. It's just more cost effective to call my family on the cell phone as it is to pay for long distance.
5. Is there something on t.v. this week that you are more excited about than the So You Think You Can Dance finale?
Well, there again we're poor. So that means that we're watching TV through an antenna which receives cbs and nbc and a little bit of fox (which comes in black and white occasionally). Needless to say we don't watch too much TV and I haven't seen any of So You Think You Can Dance.
I don't really have anyone I want to tag though so I'm skipping that part of the whole rigamaroll. Yes, I was also the one that broke the chain letters in elementary school too.
Nosy Neighbor
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
You've Got to be Kidding Me
Monday, August 13, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
- She's fussy all the time. Even when I'm holding her (which usually quiets that). She's not really outright having a fit, just unhappy and wants me to know about it.
- She's drooling excessively. The whole front of her dress was wet yesterday.
- Today I gave her one of those toys that you put in the freezer so it's cold. She chomped away on it until it fell out. Then she cried again.
- She's sleepy.
The only thing is that I can't feel a tooth yet. So we'll see.
Our "Home"
The welcome post I painted at our last place was secretly unpacked and put up by my husband last night or this morning. It is now welcoming everyone to our new place. He's so cute!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
We're Here!
Monday, July 09, 2007
I Miss You
Then she woke up every hour after that.
Ever since this vacation started she hasn't really slept well, but last night my husband had gone home for his bsa camping trip. So I had to get up every time.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Mom Friends
My husband is totally stoked to be going because, well, this is his life's dream. Goal number one since the third grade (when he figured out he would not be big enough to ever be a pro football player) was to become a doctor. I am so excited for him and for us that we're on our way to the future! I feel like his cheerleader sometimes. "Way to go honey! I always knew you could do it! You are the best!" These remarks are all deserved on his part. He's a great husband, and one of the brightest men I have ever met.
Here's the thing, St. Louis doesn't have my mommy friend! I am so comfortable with my sister-in-law that I know I can go over to her house in the middle of the day and she wont feel inconvienced. In fact she worries when I don't show up for a few days! Medical school is a full time sort of thing. I know my husband, as great as he is, is only human. His time will be taken up much by his schooling (as I think it should. I don't want my doctor to have slacked off learning his profession when I go to get help!). Plus, he's not a mom, he's never been through what I'm going through. It feels so therapeutic to be able to talk to someone who knows exactly what I'm going through because she's going through it too.
I feel exactly like I did when we moved the summer between fourth and fifth grade. To be precise I feel like I did on the second day of school. I had no idea what I was jumping into then. Now I know how hard it can be to make new friends. Here's hoping it's easier at 23 than it is at 10. Maybe it'll be like freshman year in college. Everyone was friendless and looking for new friends and so it was pretty easy to make them. Yeah, it'll be like that. Right?
Friday, July 06, 2007
"Mom Clothes"
Ever since having a baby I have felt just like I did at 12 when my body had changed shape and I didn't like the way it looked. I didn't know how to dress it, and I was sure it didn't look as good as the girls around me. Now I have that same feeling, but for different reasons. At three months post partem I was still in maternity (or once you've had the baby I like to call them fat-girl) clothing. Then my dad of all people said it really was time for me to get out of maternity wear. In my heart I knew he was right. He had been right for a good month. The reason I was still in maternity clothing was three fold:
- I no longer fit into my old clothing. Everything was too tight or just didn't fit right.
- I didn't want to spend the money to get new clothing.
- I worried that becuase my old clothing made me look and feel fat, going shopping for new clothing would confirm that yes, I really was a fatty.
Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and dad (my mom really is the best person for me to shop with! She tells me the truth and we can be silly in the dressing rooms). And do you want to know the truth? Once I gave up trying to be what I used to be and really trying on things that fit the new me I realized that I still look good! It felt good too. Clothing that fits is the best thing in the whole world! I feel so much better now! I know this might sound vain, like I shouldn't be worrying about all this because I have a new baby that is the most precious thing, but I do. Once I stopped feeling guilty about feeling ugly I was able to move forward to a new me. Plus, I'm only one size bigger than I was before the baby. That's pretty good I'd say.
Now my new clothing isn't what I used to wear. I don't think that it is "mom clothes" either. I'd like to think it's somewhere in between. Older, more grown up clothing, but that fits and looks good too.